About us

About us

From 2011 to the present, the emergency and ambulatory service has been headed by pediatrician, reanimatologist Fikria Lursmanashvili. The service offers patients both therapeutic and surgical emergency care for the first time, is equipped with modern medical equipment and is staffed by highly qualified medical personnel. 

A multi-disciplinary children's hospital, the Givi Zhvania Pediatric University Clinic of Tbilisi State Medical University offers patients inpatient, outpatient and diagnostic services in line with world standards. The clinic is a carrier of great traditions and has a long history of existence.

Since 1997, the former 2nd Children's Hospital has become the educational base of Tbilisi State Medical University, where the educational process for students and residents of TSSU took place in parallel with medical activities.

Famous doctors-specialists such as professors Givi Zhvania, Mariam Grigalashvili, Irakli Tsitsishvili, Tamaz Gachechiladze, Leo Avaliani, Avtandil Kvezereli-Kopadze and others worked in the clinic.

The Givi Zhvania Pediatric University Clinic of Tbilisi State Medical University continues its traditions and actively participates in educational programs. Training and practical classes are held regularly in Georgian and English languages, both for Georgian and foreign students and residents.

At the same time, scientific and research activities are carried out in the clinic, which is a necessary condition for development in any field.

The clinic operates on 95 beds, is equipped with modern diagnostic equipment, implements the latest medical technologies and is staffed by highly qualified medical personnel.

TSMU G.Zhvania Pediatrics University Clinic provides the following services:


  • General Pediatric Unit 
  • Surgery Unit
  • Neonatological Unit
  • Endocrinological Unit
  • Critical Medicine and Anesthesiology Unit
  • Emergency service - EMERGENCY 
  • Laboratory and Diagnostic Research Service